Thanks for joining us at Bentonville Film Festival for our World Premiere.
We'll be back soon with future screening opportunities :]

Photo by: Matt Geerling
Note from the Director: Connor Allen Smith
2020 was terrible. This isn't a radical statement. Though, I was fortunate & privileged to be only inconvenienced by the pandemic. Trapped inside these inconveniences, they've felt cataclysmic– especially within relationships. Feeling my back against a wall, I did what a filmmaker does: make a film. "Self Portrait," inspired by Hong Sang-Soo's roman à clef work, looks to provide a snapshot of the quotidian ups-and-downs I experienced as Time moved through my partner & me in 2020.

notable credits
Written by. Texas Smith
Featuring. Tania Córdova
Director of Photography. Ross Gehm
Produced by. Camera Ambassador
Music by. Evelyn Landow
Title Sequence by. Nora Molinaro